Republican Says ‘Security’ Crucial Issue, Will Define Elections

There is a Republican in the House who serves a district that Biden carried by over six points. This Republican is claiming that in November, security issues will determine the outcome of similar elections nationwide.

Representative Mike Garcia (R-CA) is unique among House Republicans in that he represents a portion of the Los Angeles metropolitan region. In addition to being a top target for Democrats attempting to regain control of the House, he is one of seventeen Republicans serving in districts that Biden won in 2020.

He recently told a cable news outlet that people would be influenced by issues of international, home, and economic security when they cast their ballots in November.

Garcia’s 27th Congressional District includes parts of the San Fernando Valley and northern Los Angeles County, including Santa Clarita.

For him, the term “security” sums up the next election. He said that one-third of his constituents are Hispanic, with seventy-five percent of them identifying as Democrats. However, they dislike insecurity. Garcia remarked that they are unhappy with how the US is seen as weak internationally. They are unhappy with President Biden because he seems confused in comparison to his Chinese and Russian colleagues. They prioritize strength.

He believes it’s important to prioritize law enforcement, economic and border security, reducing taxes, halting out-of-control expenditures, and bolstering community safety via increased police presence. All of these problems have a common denominator.

He made it clear that the people of Los Angeles are tired of progressive judicial officials who, in their eyes, are too lenient on crime and who support left-wing demands to cut police funding.

We’re not focusing on voters but on the differences among Republican and Democrat lawmakers. According to Garcia, many current and former police officers, firemen, and first responders in his area lean Democrat. This is particularly true when talking to the ordinary Democrat voter on the street.

Security is a real concern for Democrat voters. Also, they attribute the defund the police campaign to the far-left wing of the Democrat Party. They aren’t happy with it.