Footage Emerges Where Harris Talks About Storming Homes for Gun Checks

Presidential hopeful Kamala Harris will have to be significantly more convincing if she wants to persuade second-amendment supporters that she is not going to become the gun grabber in chief. 

Despite her recent claims that both she and her running mate Tim Walz are gun owners who respect constitutional rights, the Vice President’s own record on video throws her sincerity into question. A clip of Harris from 2007, when she was District Attorney of San Francisco, shows Harris promising to institute in-home inspections of America’s gun  owners. The footage is from a press conference with then-San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom. 

In the 2007 footage, Harris mused about a scenario in which “some kid” might get his hands on a legally owned gun in order to justify her invasive proposal. She said “we’re going to require responsible behaviors” among citizens, including legal gun owners. Harris actually said that she and her political colleagues would “walk into” citizens’ homes to evaluate whether the homeowner was “being responsible” and “safe” in how they “conduct your affairs.”

She said that she and Newsom intended to “legislate our values” and “encourage” the kind of behavior they find acceptable. When someone mentioned that the National Rifle Association would be almost certain to oppose any such legislation, Harris let out her signature cackle. 

Newsom went on to approve San Francisco regulations that banned having or selling guns on city property, and that required city residents to lock up their guns and submit a personal firearms inventory to city police twice a year. 

The footage of Harris seeming to gloat about having the power to waltz into the living room of any American took off on social media this week. Naturally, the Trump campaign seized on it, calling the Vice President an “anti-gun RADICAL.” The campaign said Harris wanted to confiscate America’s guns en masse and that she would weaponize the federal government to deprive Americans of their second amendment rights. 

Conservative commentator Tucker Carlson called Harris “openly totalitarian.”

Harris is brazenly lying about her own past statements. She denies that she wants to institute a mandatory government gun “buyback” program where the feds pay people to give up their guns, but she’s on the record calling for exactly that.