Over the last several years and in truth over the last few decades the United States has been engulfed in a serious cultural war. Since the turn of the millennia and even prior, Conservatives, Progressives, and moderates have battled for the identity of the nation, attempting to influence American culture and change its trajectory. While conservatives have largely been reactionary to the increasingly leftward mantras of the Democratic party, they have been ineffective in the battle, and leftists across America have made significant progress in permanently altering the culture of the country in recent years. More and more young people, brought up in public schools dominated by leftist ideologies and radical curriculums, have been crafted into holding a dominantly progressive world view. Patriotism is at a low, and young people have no pride in being American.
In states like New Jersey, the issue of transgenderism and LGBTQ affairs have taken center stage. Democrats within the state government, led by Phil Murphy have increasingly implemented radical policies in the state’s public schools. Last year, a new curriculum was introduced which implemented mandated sexual education courses for children as young as the grade level of kindergarten and included controversial messaging regarding transgenderism and gender identity. Also, New Jersey schools have been mandated by law to “keep secrets” from parents; if a child arrives on campus and identifies as a different gender other than the one they biologically exist as or wish to be called by a differing name than their legal one given at birth the school is required not to inform parents.
It appears children are at risk even in their own homes. In a sickening incident, it appears the father of a girl in Oregon attempted to drug four twelve year old friends of his child at a sleepover in his residence. He marriage ended weeks later. It is truly scary to think about the dangers that the world poses.